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A guy-positive mix of great songs of many genres from my favorite male artists/male-led bands. Why? (Incoming rant):
Because I'm so, SO sick of seeing playlists tagged 'misandry' like it's a good thing, especially when they're also tagged 'feminism,' 'girl power,' etc. Guys need support, too: abused men don't get taken seriously, medical care and homeless shelters for them are underfunded, and then there's these high-and-mighty, 'misandry is cute OuO kill all men' bitches who make me wanna hit 'em with a blunt object until they come to their senses. *Stares loudly at Tumblr* If your 'girl power' is taking a shit on all guys, then I don't want it.
-Sincerely, a girl who's sick of this shit.
(Cover art is mine, of one of my OCs.)
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17 tracks
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