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Not Safe For Couch Potatoes


I believe that everyone should be comfortable in their own skin. You're beautiful the way you are, and no one can tell you otherwise! However, for those who are looking to make lifestyle changes, LISTEN UP!!

Get off your spud ass and get physical! You french fries out there who wanna be built like jojos should hit the weights! Also you russets who want the physique of a McDonalds hash brown: I suggest following Mr. Potato Head's lead!

Press play and you will be rewarded!!! From the 1st track to the very last, these diverse electronic tracks will turn you up so hard - you'll feel like mashing stuff... maybe potatoes.

(If you make it to the very end, there's a meaningful song dear to my heart that'll make you glad you decided to be active today!!)


33 tracks
1 comment on Not Safe For Couch Potatoes

Hey guys and gals! I just wanted to take a second to thank you for following me here on 8tracks. It means a fugg ton! This playlist is dedicated to you all. Enjoy!! @popoopop @nyhoff @Drew_forro @brittytitty @danamoebele @brodyshemansky @risris2015 @Zzaacc51 @brightntight @somguerrers @kelseyt216
