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miss ya, buddy

14 comments on miss ya, buddy (View all)

@badreputation it's been a long time since I've cried so hard so many times in one day. I had to change when I got home because my chest was hurting so much. Please take care of yourself !

@mollyrosed01-758 I feel you on this. My mom actually went out and got me Chinese food because i wont come out of my room and have been feeling down all day. It's important to let yourself process this, but also remember Zayn is doing the right thing. He knows what's best for him in regards to his mental and physical health

@mollyrosed01-758 my family is so oblivious. I've been going around all day asking each and every one of them for a hug, but all they do is yell at me and since the announcement I've been locked up in my room

@mollyrosed01-758 I'm so sorry to hear that! It's really really hard for people to understand, I think. Honestly screw them though. You do what you need to feel better/process this.
