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give me my damn doctor who musical episode already bbc


a compilation of tunes sang by different members of the doctor who cast throughout the years. Featuring the talents of splendid chaps such as Matt Smith, Jon Pertwee, David Tennant, and a heck-ton others.

(will be updated in the future as I find more things!).

27 tracks
10 comments on give me my damn doctor who musical episode already bbc (View all)

OH MY GOSH I LOVE LEGALLY BLONDE THE MUSICAL!!!! I DIDN'T KNOW PETER DAVISON PLAYED PROFESSOR CALLAHAN! (sorry I'm freaking out... I just didn't know this was a thing... as it's one of my favorite musicals and it's Peter Davison).

This is BRILLIANT! Absolutely FANTASTIC! I'm crying at the perfection of this, and I'm only on the second song. One of my favorite mixes on 8tracks so far. Thank you!!!!! :'D

Seriously, who do we have to bury in mail/stalk/ask nicely to get a damn DW musical???? even just a Children in Need sketch would be okay?? this mix is great
