I've learned so much in my life despite how young I am right now. I've got a full life ahead of me and I'm cutting out all the negatives the best I can. You cannot live life living in the past and dwelling in unhappiness. You have to go out into the world and say HEY! I'm coming out and I'm making a life for myself!! Things are hard right now and not all of us can do such amazing and fun things, but people (like me) make the best out of it. I look forwards to the life ahead of me and cannot wait to see what all new people I'll meet and places I see as I move on pass these hills. I'm a friendly person and I hope to find kindness in all I meet for I try to see the good in all people. Everyone deserves kindness in their lives and everyone deserves to be happy. I'm on a quest for true happiness and honestly, I'm finding it to be a fun adventure so far. :3
