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Btrxz's Another Ending ( C_D/1618 Edition)

7 comments on Btrxz's Another Ending ( C_D/1618 Edition)

im having a hard time keeping up with the number of playlists you produce, as in, i find myself constantly playing catch up and never up to date. your musical repertoire is absurdly extensive.

happy new year.

Don't even try. I am obsessive and have a bit of a frx . I appreciate your listens but, don't fret must mix are crap or at least sub par . Happy new year to you!!

by absurdly extensive, it was a compliment of extreme admiration. i doubt your mixes are "crap or at least sub par." you wouldnt have that title "bitch" nor 600+ followers, unless you are some master computer-tician and you know how to hijack the system.

happy new year to you and your crew! nice mix to wipe the dirty ass of 2011 and greet the fresh and clean 2012!
