65 comments on Btrxz's Have A Nice Trip by Btrxz

Here is the story you and your special someone have just flown in to SanDiego from NYC on the red eye. It is 6:00 am in the morning you hop in your micro-bus and head north. Driving for 15 hr ( each hour represented in a song) Each song speaks of something either physical or emotional that one may experience on such a trip:
Song 1 The prelude

Song2-6: The morning leg as the sun rises over the mountains to the east you drive through a dry land scape with wide open skies and the sun make its debut.

Song7-11: The afternoon leg. Things are heating up and cities are passing buy under your wheels. Your rolling and loven the land and the sea with a sun-kissed glow.

Songs 12-16: The evening (final leg) its been a long and wondrous journey you've seen so much and continue to see more. Your mind and body are exhausted from stimulus overload, it's time to wind down and enjoy your dream......
