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even when i was 17 (even when i was 12)


trauma jamz pt. 2

some stuff i've been dealing with re: this asshole molesting me when i was 12 and me semi-recently remembering it which like, ugh :(

this mix has a lil bit of gothy stuff, some dark cabaret, some punk, lotsa 90s confessional, and some pop. no music by men tho lol

the obvious trigger warnings apply, but it doesn't get too graphic. feel free to let me know how you like this mix, or for more of me crying about my childhood visit my blog @ bunnieborg.tumblr.com!!!

9 tracks
4 comments on even when i was 17 (even when i was 12)

lmao this is. relatable and i'm not exactly? glad i found this mix but i'm glad you could find an outlet like this and thank you for it

@intergalacticplanetary i literally just saw this i haven't checked the comments for this mix in forever- is the fic up, could you link me to it? i don't even care if i know the fandom i'm just curious as to how it turned out

@intergalacticplanetary also- you probably know this, but people who aren't girls can also be csa survivors. this is just particular to my experience, which was gendered in a specific way. also at the time i made this i was rly, rly scared of and angry at men so this reflected those feelings too

@bunnypunx oh yea! i mean i'm not a binary girl! i am female aligned aha! and yea i really hate men too! i haven't updated it in ages! and it's p negative but i'll link u!
