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Truck Drivin' Songs


My musical salute to the men and women who drive big rigs. Thanks for not runnning me off the road the other day when I passed with barely enough room for a mouse to squeeze through!

16 tracks
6 comments on Truck Drivin' Songs

Hi Phil, Actually I figured you were a truck driver..... or a pro driver of some sort. A while back, on one of your mixes, you mentioned that you had gotten driver of the month and had used your prize to get more music. This mix has been rolling around in my head since then. My first husband was a OTR trucker and these songs are kind of dear to my heart.
I'm so happy that you like the mix! Yeah, I found some I'd never heard before either, which is very cool. Enjoy!

Hi Anita
Did you know I was a truck driver or is this just another one of those freaky things that is going on with us.
Nice choice of tunes.
Pretty much explains every day of my driving life.
Quite a few tunes I haven't heard before which is great.
Lovin this mix thanks Anita.
