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a fanmix for an amazing billdip fan fiction by MarshOnTheMellow on ao3 only for the chapters currently published [1-5]

(first song is used in chapter two, after that is what songs i think suit the story so far)

**OKAY thanks for getting this to gold my billdip lovin homies :)))

cover credit -

please read this like it's perfect -

9 tracks
7 comments on Off the Deep End

Like the siren's song, this is just an enchanting playlist! I didn't skip any songs and I think I lost my mind when "My Jolly Sailor Bold" came on. (The mermaids were the best part from "On Stranger Tides" IMO). Now I have to go read the fic because of this amazing mix!

This mix is literally perfect oh my god! It's perfect and so beautiful and you've captured the feel of the fic so well and I have a lot of emotions about this mix right now. But for some reason 8tracks decided to be awkward with me and it didn't play the last song, so I was wondering if you could possibly tell me what it was because I'm dying to know. Seriously though this is so good - and I need to stop talking else I'll start rambling or something. But I love it!

@BritanniaFork yay! oh this was so nice, to read, thank you! And the last song is called "Boadicea" by Dagamba (the actual version is by Enya, this is a cover) i'm glad you like it! :)

@buygold Oh no it played that one! Damn for some reason I assumed it was the last song that didn't play. In the artists thing it says Florence + The Machine and I think it was that one that didn't play. Looking back it probably would've been easier if I'd said that at first. Wow I'm sorry this was a round-about way to ask that.

@BritanniaFork ahah don't even worry about it! the only florence and the machine song i put in here is called "swimming" and it's personally one of my favourites :)

@buygold Oh my god I'd never heard it before but it's really good I love it! I should probably listen to more Florence and the Machine honestly, I have to admit I don't listen to them that often. Okay last question I promise, but what number song is it in the mix?

@BritanniaFork i love them so much, you definitely should! they also have a new album coming out soon :) And it's no problem, i don't mind questions! the way i ordered it, it should be the second song to play

@buygold I'm actually kind of tempted to buy the album when it comes out, but I'm gonna have to go and have a look at some of their other stuff over the week. Thank you so much for all that though! And once again, the mix is great oh my god! It's been really nice talking to you by the way. c:

@BritanniaFork of course, but i think you'll like them. they're pretty great. and it's not a problem! I'm glad you like it and it was nice talking with you too :)
