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Companion Music to Blood Meridian


I'm fixin' to finish reading Blood Meridian by Cormac McCarthy. These are the sounds I've chosen to accompany me on this savage and disturbing literary journey....

Includes Thomas Köner , Locrian & Mamiffer, and Bong

11 tracks
10 comments on Companion Music to Blood Meridian (View all)

damn, three tracks in an loving it. I can see why there is so much love for Bong in the comments. perfect companion to the books so far!!

The title grabbed me. Only 2 songs in, and already I'm convinced that this is the perfect musical accompaniment. Have you read Child of God? If not, I highly recommend it (provided that you've recovered fully from Blood Meridian).

Thank you, kindly! I have read most of his books but not Child of God. I will definitely look for it. (Does one ever recover from Blood Meridian? Powerful book.)

Not likely. And though it is a good deal shorter, I have to say that Child of God is equally unsettling. Good luck.
Again, great work on this mix!

Disclaimer: My inclusion of it here is for that reason and is in no way a reflection upon my personal politics.

I'm not that familiar with them but according to their biography they use some fascist imagery which has created some controversy for them.

I see what you mean. I was looking out for something like that in their bio, too. This kind of repulsive imagery seems to be pretty common in euro neofolk...or what the genre is called.
