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(this is all yours now.
the house, and the promise.)


for steven crain, holding the door shut, like his father before him.

9 tracks
1 comment on The Crain Inheritance

I love this mix. Steve’s storyline has always been so interesting to me, because of how much it centers around legacy, inheritance, and the burden of the oldest child. These songs just resonate perfectly with those themes. Make It Rain is so perfect for the way Steve feels about his parents and the Crain bloodline and the burden of the trauma his family has experienced. Surrounded makes me think of the scene in the final episode where Steve walks to the front door of Hill House and all the ghosts follow him, and also when he’s talking to Leigh afterwards, and it just really got to me.

@maydenmakota thank you so much! The ending of Steve's storyline surprised me in that as interesting as I found him, I did not expect his storyline to be my favorite, but I've always been a sucker for family inheritance and all the different forms that can take. That last scene of him in Hill House with all of the ghosts gathering behind him is one of my favorite in the show, if not my favorite. Even better, Surrounded is one of my absolute favorite songs by one of my absolute favorite bands, so the stars aligned, lmao. Thanks so much, again, for all of your wonderful comments!
