182 comments on background sounds II by calmcity

At this point I'm hooked to this playlist no matter what because the caption is telling me to study. I really needed that pep talk! So, thank you! I've wasted way too much time today... this will hopefully get me started now ;)

This playlist is beautiful. Got me through studying for biology, and Nuvole Bianche is the most beautiful song I've ever heard. Thank you so much for your excellent taste in music!

I have no excess work due, but I am able to divert all of my attention on the beauty of this playlist. Finally an "Instrumental" playlist that is actually instrumental! Thank you for your ingenuity and keen-eared direction toward music.

Call in to miss work to do 3 major English projects that are due tomorrow. Can't wait to listen to this to help out. Already working on me.

"start writing that essay that's due in the morning" is literally whats going on right now. i pray your playlist works =]
