40 comments on 24 HOURS OF KPOP by CaptainPineapple

GAHH! You like him too? I never really enjoyed rap until i listened to him and then i became a K-hiphop addict. Not a lot of people pay attention to Block B and especially their more hardcore rap stuff

yeaaa! he's my favourite korean rapper :] i know, especially after the whole company shenanigans, people that did know block b sorta forgot about them but oh man.. "Very Good" is oh so... very good

I honestly felt really bad for them, cuz all the ever wanted was to make music. When they were in-between label I was just praying they wouldn't disband. Very Good is Very Good and I adore the MV. But my favorite song off the album is either Be the LIght or Have a nice Day.

Also, there are some songs that aren't properly named. I can't do anything about this but i recognize practically all of the songs. So if you can tell me what number it is on your first listen through or you can find some other way to direct me to the song hopefully I can tell you what it is.
