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Don't wake me


"If you can hear me now 
I'm reaching out 
To let you know that you're not alone 
And you can't tell 
I'm scared as hell 
Cause I can't get you on the telephone 
So just close your eyes 
Well honey here comes a lullaby 
Your very own lullaby "

8 tracks
1 comment on Don't wake me

OMFG YOU READ HOMESTUCK TOO XD YAY! i love homestuck its taken over my life now XD this is one of the best tracks iv'e heard so far for it. it suits bro and dave so well, KEEP UP THE GREAT WORK xD

I'm into so many fandoms that I lost the count of them, dang. So thanks a lot dear, i'll make at least a mix for every fandom i'm obsessed with!8°° <3
