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Bedroom Poetry


It’s poetry, verses slipping into the gaps between our breaths. We're spelling words across our spines, little things we don't dare whisper. I look at you. You smile.
And all I can think about is how beautiful you are when you smother my syllables with your fragile heat and your tender heart.

10 tracks
8 comments on Bedroom Poetry

woah please tell me you have a poetry blog of some sort because I would be very contented to read more of your style ☺️ and my pleasure

@elizabth oh wow, that's so sweet of you (*ˊૢᵕˋૢ*) no I don't, but all of my playlists are based off of crappy first draft short stories that I have saved somewhere on my desktop..hurr..."Birdy and the Boy" is almost done, and I'd put the link in my description - if you'd be interested in reading it :)

@Catbuggy yes please! I'd be very interested in reading it, and I would suggest, if you feel comfortable of course, to start a writing blog on tumblr say so I can follow you and eagerly read your "crappy first drafts" :)
