Singer dancer guitar player actress skateboarder snowboarder volleyball(er?) performer of the arts

I like adventure time more than I should.

I am grateful for all I have

I like socks... a lot. Maybe too much...

I get really confused sometimes... like with pronunciation and spelling of words. (contacts - we don't say the "t" we say contacs.
Comfortable = comf-ter-ble NOT comfort-bowl.
One time I forgot how to pronounce "it".
Say bowl enough times and it sounds SO WEIRD.)

I think that *the best* sound in the world is the click of your shutter on a legit film camera.

I make really good cupcakes

I like Tim Burton and Jim Henson movies *A LOT*

I am OCD about weird things like straight lines, light switches, and colors.

Some of my favorite movies are: Moonrise Kingdom, Coraline, Labyrinth, Finding Nemo and Mirror Mask.

Three words to describe me are: eccentric, eclectic, and effervescent. (hence the name of my playlist)

I like writing long biography-type-things.

TOP TAGS study, instrumental, lana del rey, studying, happy

Member since Jan 2012
