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There are some here I love, some who fear me, and some who wish I was dead


"Welcome to Los Santos. The city of cellulose, sand, and cellulite removal. From dead starlets in Vinewood to the gangbangers in Davis and Strawberry, and terror cells in Chumash to the drunken tourists in Del Perro Pier, it's time to take a look inside this cesspit of destroyed dreams, drug-addled degenerates, and deluded desperados that make up this great city of lights."

A playlist for the crew and the city they own

cover art: https://www.instagram.com/p/_lCMflNNjE/
on playmoss: https://playmoss.com/en/ceryseh/playlist/there-are-some-here-i-love-some-who-fear-me-and-some-who-wish-i-was-dead

12 tracks
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