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2 comments on anchors

The profoundness of your understanding of BLoBS is communicated so well through the music you have selected. From my fingertips to your ears! Sonically and lyrically, you are completely on point with the tone of the story. You've chosen tracks that are absolutely perfect, and I may or may not have been teary as I listened to this, because I felt that if you are associating these songs with BLoBS, then I am accomplishing what I set out to. As I told my friends while I was listening "Ladies & Gentlemen...someone gets it." I love that you used Salvation & Sailing Ships from my playlist! I'm not sure how long you've been following BLoBS, but Salvation has pretty much been the "main theme" since last spring. I love that you picked up on that and included it in anchors. I think those choices tie the playlists together beautifully. I think my favorite track is "I Do Not Love You." I was stunned by how suited the lyrics are...."And I do not love you for the things you know, though I've always admired your mind." This is a truly beautiful, amazing job and I am so moved and honored, not only that you enjoy BLoBS the way you do, as clearly you have a special understanding of the work, but because you took the time to create this and share it with me. Thank You. This means more to me than I can say.

@alyssavonkirkbride Wow. This makes me happier than you could ever know! I surprised myself when I listened to this in its entirety this morning. The fact that you, the creator, think this is that amazing is so awesome. Thanks for taking a listen and just being awesome!

YES!!!! You made a BLoBS playlist!!! And you called it anchors! This is awesome! I cannot wait to listen. I want to give it my undivided attention, so I hope to be able to enjoy it tomorrow night, but I wanted to leave you a comment to let you know that I saw that you posted it! ! I am delighted and honored and so excited!

@alyssavonkirkbride Yays! I can't for you to listen, although I'm really scared it will fall short of the amazingly high expectations BLoBS has set... Enjoy!
