49 comments on gewjkgw by ching#1337 was here75

Yo, this is actually dope. I just had the quick fiend for some classical piano type ish and was about to hit youtubes for a playlist, but then stopped and said to myself "lemme give 8tracks a whirl for this." This was like the second search result for classical music and I am not disappointed, although this is a bit more modern than what I was initially hankering for. Regardless, thanks for the effort and sharing.

like your definition! so, you're absolutely right. this mix is a balance between canonical classical pieces and ambient/modern classical/contemporary classical music. some tracks I've shared before (I think they must be in this selection!). if you're looking for total classical mix you can easy find it in previous mixes. I've shared a lot of classical music there especially from XX century. anyway, thanks for such careful listening! I really appreciate such things.
