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I'm not Your Killer ☠


Ultimate collection of epic soundtrack and instrumental music for studying, gaming, writing or just focusing on your hardworking. And of course, many killing tracks according to the main subject.

I have been an Assassin for a long time...

♫ tracklist

33 tracks
26 comments on I'm not Your Killer ☠ (View all)

I hope you don't think I'm obsessed. I'm just going on a kmysko spree, since your mixes are so good :) I love Assassin's Creed, and it has greatly disappointed me over the last few years that there have never been any good AC mixes.. This is the one that comes closest :) Favourite Assassin and AC game? Mine are Ezio and Revelations

I am studying and watching the snow fall outside with this soundtrack in the background-it has transported me into a place of wonder, beauty, and peace. Thank you <3

when I saw the pic I knew there is something about assassins creed .. jesper kyd is awesome ! the whole game and the story are a deep secret and has many subliminal msgs about everything that's going in this world ! Thnx for this lovely mix my friend ...
