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Prophet & Catalyst


Songs that take me to Robin Hobb's Realm of the Elderlings series..hope you enjoy!

First time listening order:
Please see annotations for song 'titles'

1. Fool's Journey

2. Buckkeep

3. Nighteyes

4. Mountain Kingdom

5. Elderling Ruins

6. Rain Wilds

7. Reyn and Malta's dance

8. Badgerlock

9. Catalyst / His death for my own.

10. Last dance of Chances

10 tracks
6 comments on Prophet & Catalyst

oh my god!! this is actually so brilliant! these book series are my favourite fantasy novels in the whole entire world and they gave me so many goosebumps ESPECIALLY THE LAST BOOK WITH THE FOOL O M G and to find this mix - it really brings it alive!! ugh i need to read them again. i miss fitz. and the fool. especially the fool. i love the title of this too, just saying :) it's brilliant. absolutely fantastic.
