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This is the mix you listen to if you're a dysphoric nomad, walking the grounds with a heart seeking the whispers of sweet nothingness.

8 tracks
1 comment on Dysphoria

I like cool things, you are so cool!
I totally forgot all about the Codeine!
Oh, hello again! Wha- no!? Awe, nah...
Ans, still not, ever in a day, life is.

I'm just now reading this...bah.
You should know, your mixes are outrageously grand.
I also started following you on StumbleUpon.

Cool cool, I dig stumbleupon, that's my internet crack. I looked at your likes, very bodeggin! I'm a part of the B.R.A.I.N. so I use stumbleupon like a low-powered FB, sending cool & funny kind of stuff or serious-fo'realzies kind of things to some local friends and others that traveled elsewhere. You don't have to look and rate everything I send, I sure as hell don't but I'm always open to seeing something new so you can send me stuff no prob, I peruse it all.
Grand?! I don't know about all that now... but I can see how it's definitely outrageous though, especially those "tuesday night" mixes that I "forget" about till I see likes/comments about them later on, hahahaa!
