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Christian or not, music glorifies God; and God loves musicians. This isn't your typical "worship" playlist, this is music as it was created to be.

Includes Jonathan David Helser, Rend Collective Experiment, and All Sons & Daughters.

I nearly completely redid this mix, if its not what you're looking for I have plenty more to come.

20 tracks
14 comments on Not Your Typical (View all)

Hebrews 12 : 2 says "... looking to Jesus, the founder and perfecter of our faith, who for the joy that was set before him endured the cross, ...". Joy, was the reward given to Jesus for enduring the cross. It makes me wonder if we really have a clue, as to what that joy fully feels like.

This is amazing. I feel like Christians forget to ENJOY God's presence. God doesn't NEED anything from us... our job is to obey, love, and ENJOY HIM! Where did all of the joy go? Worship is supposed to be joyful. We should be dancing not crying! There's a time and place for crying and reflecting on all of the wonderful things God's done, but we are supposed to live our whole life in JOY even our sorrow should be in joy, because God will turn everything around for his glory and that's pretty stinking great. This is great for a glory party. Woot. Thank you again!

I'd say this is my favorite mix. Not only encouraging, but really speaks the Lord's truth. Thanks for putting this together!
