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softness and light


you sit down on the soft grass and let your fingers brush the wildflowers around you, lay on your back, the light warm on your face and the presence of your first love made aware by the touch of their soft skin on yours. you both lay there for hours until the stars come out and everything you ever wanted lies before you. your eyelids flutter and you drift into a sleep full of dreams, your hand holding theirs.

25 tracks
23 comments on softness and light (View all)

I Long for such music.....and you sir.....have satisfied that longing......i thank you for this absolutely amazing Track. I hope you continue to bring such joy and peace to many more... :]

this mix has helped me do so many things oh my gosh thank you so much. its helped me study, sleep, read, write, pretty much everything. thank you and i love this mix so much.
