Is this playlist safe for work?

if french girls studied, this is what they would listen to.


classique french songs, everyone from Bridgitte to Carla.


(Please let me know if you want me to add more to this playlist! My library of french music is endless..)

8 tracks
73 comments on if french girls studied, this is what they would listen to. (View all)

Please please please can some one comment the track list because I'm in South Africa and I used to use this app all the time in 2015 and this playlist has always been my all time favourite but now I can barely listen to it because 8tracks isn't available in my country. I've tried everything to find the songs on this playlist but I just can't seem to find them. Can anyone help out a fellow French music lover please x

bless ur soul!! I have to learn alot more French to reach my goals and ironically enough, Im studying right now haha
