44 comments on Super#5398 by College Radio

This continues to be an all time favorite. I'm always coming back to it. Its been the soundtrack to the best of times, and gotten me thru the worst of times. Truly one of the greats right here.

@JumperDood hey man - i just saw this as i've come to find out 8tracks is coming down; although the annotations are lost, i put this on my spotify account (Andrew Blank); feel free to do the same if you find this in time. otherwise, i do have the playlist to send you. thanks for the really kind comment and it's humbling to know this mix has made such an impact. all the best

@blutoade thank you so much! as a heads up, this site's coming down in the next few days so feel free to save/export this list. i'm doing the same so feel free to reach out if you'd like this playlist. thank you so much for your time, attention, and appreciation!

this is absolutely an experience. thanks for the fun guided tour! i got really into the annotations alongside. to feel someone building a storyarc around a genre they love is thrilling cuuz context adds a beautiful layer that often takes a long time to become immersed in.

@blrgrl @ephermity aww, i know i'm years too late here, but thank you both so much! it's so humbling to know this mix accomplished it's goal and i'm so so happy you both enjoyed the ride. i regret to let you know that this site is coming down in the next few days so please save and export this playlist while you still can. otherwise, its on my spotify (Andrew Blank) and please reach out if i can assist further! thanks again for everything! :_

This is like the playlist that kept me mesmerized by the falling snow at the other Indiana university, Purdue! Keep gazing. Thanks.
