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soundtrack of my life//✩


this is a mix of my favorite/most played+relateble songs from the past 2 years, this could be the most diverse/multi genre mix you'll ever come across but this is the soundtrack of 2 years of my life & in every song there's a line/lyric or sound that I related to & played over & over, I've been through a lot and these are the songs that helped me get through it. if you listen closely this mix tells a story from start to finish.

74 tracks
7 comments on soundtrack of my life//✩

omg love this!!! i never thought that anybody else liked 'when did your heart go missing' by rooney! that's like my favorite song ever haha!!! ;)

i guess we have things in common because these are songs that also mean something to me, made me feel happy when i was in a moment of sadness and got me through situations. thank you so much for making this playlist
