9 comments on Use Your Brain by coronaaustralis

what is this horrible boombox track doing here ? Such a nice playlist tho... kinda ruins it haha

How did tou achieve this? It's perfect. Hands down best playlist I've heard. Tranquility, rythm, happibess. Thats how this playlist made me feel. Wonderdul.

p.s. contrary to another comment: i love the walk j track. fits in well and a great tune

@mnapier87 Why, thank you ! I don't know how I achieved this, I just took a bunch of songs I liked listening to when studying and here's the result ! Thanks for your comment, I really appreciate it :)

I have been a bit of a music wilderness the last couple of years and haven't had the time to do much discovery. This is a powerful mix with some outstanding new acts to find more about, as well as some familiar favourties. Thanks very much for sharing coronaaustralis...

@coronaaustralis Well, of course its my pleasure! Its nice to find the kind of music that inspires me to listen more and I'm just happy to have come across your play-lists. Hope you had a fab festive break and Happy New Year!

@johnrtayleur Thank you again, most people think I have weird taste in music (which I secretly am proud of haha). I'm glad you like my weirdness too, that's a rare thing. And Happy New Year to you too, best wishes! xxx
