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Commercial Songs You Hum All Day

6 comments on Commercial Songs You Hum All Day

"Somebody's Watching Me" - Geico
"The Crane Wife 3" - AT&T in partnership with Team USA for the 2008 Summer Olympics.
"1901" - Sony Playstation and Cadillac SRX
"All These Things That I've Done" - Nike (
"Jukebox" - Apple & Cingular (they do sound like Smash Mouth)
"Juicy" - ABC & Applebees
"Such Great Heights" -, Kaiser Permanente, Target, UPS and (as covered by Iron & Wine) M&M's plus it was used without permission in commercials for Apple and Intel

This mix is awesome! I'm always a little enthused to find out exactly what the name of the songs that haunt me throughout the day are called.

Nice stuff you got here!!!..... BTW Bent Fabric sound a lot like Smash Mouth..... or at least if felt so, and that Better Than Ezra track...SOO FUNKY!!!..... will keep on surfing trough your mixes....
