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Anime Mix~ It's A Japan Concert Over Here!


This playlist consists of songs with awesome beats plus drumming. Also songs from anime, soundtracks, bands and contributing artists. (Not your typical anime playlist)

[Optional] You should use headphones/head set, it will sound so much better(earplugs aren't really recommended because I have tried it and compared.)
Also, if you want to hear up-to-date songs, then clear your cache.

Songs by:
-Eir Aoi
-And more...

Songs from Animes:
-Aldnoah Zero
-No Game No Life
-And more...

Warning: To those who are a big fan of J-Pop/Rock... get ready for some eargasm.

Enjoy my playlist! :D

(Last updated: [9/15/2016])

110 tracks
4 comments on Anime Mix~ It's A Japan Concert Over Here!
