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Concoction: Jazz


This mix's main ingredient is classic instrumental jazz. Throw in a generous helping of vocal classic jazz, a dash of electronic jazz and a pinch of nu jazz, you get a heady concoction. Play this collection on those lazy days. Listen to this modern blend when you have a few friends over or when you're just entertaining that special someone. Joining Chet, Billie and Ella on this 31 song meld are John Coltrane, DJ Cam Quartet and Jamie Cullum. Succumb to this jazz concoction and enjoy.

31 tracks
19 comments on Concoction: Jazz (View all)

AMAZING! Definitely one of my top favorite playlists EVER <33 I had it playing while I was drawing and it was great :D

@mangocupcakes Thanks. Isn't it great when you stumble on a mix that really speaks to you? I'm glad one of my mixes was one of those mixes for you. Be sure to check the other four Concoction mixes. They are all very similar. Thanks again, and thanks for the follow too.

I'm just getting into Jazz, but I've never had much luck searching beyond mainstream stuff. I'm trying to find more songs which sound like Do It The Hard Way, do you have any playlists centered around that sub genre or just recommendations?

Well I am definitely not a jazz expert, but I will try. I think maybe what you find appealing in the song is it is a standard done in a swing jazz style. The song is from the broadway play Pal Joey with music from Rodgers and Hart, who wrote many standards. The most famous version of this song I would say is by Chet Baker, who has a few swing albums.Frank Sinatra swings, my favorite swing artist is definitely Ella Fitzgerald. More contemporary artist to check out would be Metropolitan Jazz Affair, The Five Corners Quintet,[RE:JAZZ],DJ Cam Quartet, Fertile Ground maybe even Gabin. All of these artist are on my C:J New Recipe Mix, which is probably my favorite of the 5 in the series. Good luck in your search, let me know if you like any of those artist.
