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Cur8 Café


The type of tunes I would play if I owned a cool little side street cafe. Even if you are just having cereal at your own kitchen table, get that cafe vibe with Nujabes, Ella Fitzgerald and Greyboy. Cur8 the perfect chilled environment with the variety of these 33 great tunes.

33 tracks
7 comments on Cur8 Café

very inspiring and beautiful mix. i look forward to listening to the others you've put together to help me get through the final 2 weeks of writing my thesis. thanks for sharing the tunes! :)

What a nice thing to say,you're welcome. Good luck with the thesis writing. Thanks for the follow too. I'm working on Cur8 Cafe 2 now, will upload early next year. Thanks.

By the way: You've also set a very high bar in the way your mixes flow from track to track. I'll admit to being intimidated as I start trying to put together my own mixes. Gonna be a real challenge to meet anything close to your standard.... a FUN challenge!

What can I say. You are too kind. Thank you. No need to be intimidated, just put them in the order you would like to hear them, that's what I do. Looking forward to checking them out. Good luck.

Well, this will be the last of your chill / jazz mixes. Absolutely not one track in 17 mixes that I haven't at least enjoyed - and usually loved. You've added over 100 tracks to my must buy list, turned me into a Greyboy junkie, and convinced me that I must and shall find every track that Karl Denson has ever recorded. Now I'm off to listen to your A-OK and DJ & MC mixes, along with every mix that you've liked and the people you follow. Can't thank you enough. I've discovered stuff in your mixes that'll have permanent places in my life's soundtrack. Thanks again, Cur8! Can't wait to see what you come up with next!

You are welcome, again you're too kind. I'm so glad there is a fellow Greyboy fan on 8tracks. Music is a big part of my life, so to play a small part in exposing the music that has touched my life to someone else is very cool. Karl Denson has done some amazing work with Greyboy. Thank you for all the positive comments, they have been a big boost to my inner DJ morale. If find a mix on here that you think I would like, let me know. Thanks again.

Will do. And hope you'll do likewise. I haven't managed to "get" opera yet - but I'll try almost anything else, especially when recommended by someone whose taste I respect.

at evening would have delicious coffee, latte, seven colours cappuccino, all served in grandma's mugs and a variety pieces of homemade bread (by me). when the sun goes down, we'll provide some seasonal drinks, including uruguayan recipes for more awesomeness ; )

yes, and we would have Sartori cheese, the balsamic variety, my favorite. Homemade raspberry jelly from my mom and apple crumble made by me with hand churned ice cream. Prey tell, what is "seven colours cappuccino"?... a Uruguayan speciality?

Great, you will have to bring the cachaca though. it is hard to find a good bottle in the states. And after the caipirinhas are served, may we push the tables to the walls and dance?
