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Ubiquitous Beat 2


Ubiquitous is present, found everywhere, constantly encountered. This mix asks the question, can Massive Attack, A Tribe Called Quest and Fila Brazillia all get along on the same mix? I think so. The 2nd in the series is chocked full of instrumental hip hop, electronic downtempo, intelligent rap and superlative beats. Enjoy the 31 song rhythmic ride. Art is from one of my favorites, Jason Meyers, found at

31 tracks
3 comments on Ubiquitous Beat 2

An incredible mixture.. if it's was a dish I would eat it every day without a fuss! Thanks for sharing, great discoveries...

You're welcome. I'm glad it hit the spot! It's great it expanded your musical palate. I really appreciate you letting me know you enjoyed it.

That is so cool. I can't tell you how much I appreciate you sharing that with me. It's great to find fellow like minded music lovers. I'm truly stoked you are digging my mixes!

Cur8, what can I say? You like what I like. 7 or 8 mixes of yours and not a single song I was sorry to hear. The only downside to your mixes is that I'm developing a monster case of library envy. Great stuff.
