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Experience an eargasm


Analyze the world with your ears with this one. Study, sleep or smoke one to this and mellow out. Includes 23 tracks! Caution: Might experience a tingle down your spine...

22 tracks
61 comments on Experience an eargasm (View all)

Second by second, minute by minute, hour by hour, day by day, week by week, month by month, year by year and this album still banging. Gives me what I need to continue. One day... Make that money, straight chilling. Get that career right. Future is inevitable, why not make it a good one. Education is the key. One day homie.... All this struggle and shit will pay off. Holla

Man.... I can't believe 2 years later I'm still listening to this sick ass mix. Good shit homie. Good luck in Pharm school. Hit me up if your studying anytime soon. Doing a paper right now listening to this mix. Getting me through with head bops.
