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dj_dim-mak /\ Arrakis, Dune, Desert Planet: Extended Edition


I must not fear...

An extended edition of my previous mix of D U N E inspired beats and sounds. Drink the spice, ride the worm, return to a world beyond your dreams, beyond your imagination.

...fear is the mind killer.

/\ Silver Strain /\ Bernard Szajner /\ Kurt Stenzel /\

Art by Feng Zhu.

17 tracks
7 comments on dj_dim-mak /\ Arrakis, Dune, Desert Planet: Extended Edition

Fuckin' brillient. I loved that I was unhappy for two songs then you roped me back in. That is good stuff. I like being bushed out of my conceptions and confort zone thanks DIM

@dj_dim-mak Yes, its a wonderful talent! I believe I posse it as well. Hence my name Btrxz. I play trxz with btz and we are btchs
