14 comments on dj_dim-mak /\ orbital decay by dj_dim-mak

So I was pulling out my copy to read and I thought hmmm I wonder if there are any Seveneves tagged mixes... I couldn't be happier to see that not only does one exist, but that *you* made it :D Well done.

@ferrous_goxide Yay, I'm so happy someone will read the book with the mix!!! hope you enjoy both! (Stephenson is my favorite writer, btw)

@dj_dim-mak I bet I am your biggest fan. If amount of listens equates to biggest fan! I doubt there is anyone who has listened to as many dj_Dim_sum mixes as I!!!

I still haven't read anything by Neal Stephenson but this mix rules nevertheless. I have gotten ahold of the Nosaj Thing record, too. Really good.

@Deathinteresse Stephenson is one of my all time favorite writers. I'd start with Snow Crash. I kept hearing the new Nosaj in peoples mixes and realized I had to have it.

I hope we make it off this rock...but I probably won't be alive to see it unfortunately. Out of all the ages, like wanting to go back and be a pirate on the seas, I really want to be a miner in space harvesting minerals off of an asteroid or something. One can only dream!

@raskill my dream is that they'll eventually figure out warp engines (they have the theory of how to do it, just not the energy supply) and I would be deep space explorer. but for now, just a music geek.

@raskill @Sowat? the thing about beaming up... it actually kills you. the person who come out the other side is a molecular reconstruction of you assembled from available atoms. the molecules that made up the original you are broken up to be used for the next one transporting in.

@raskill @dj_dim-mak I know it takes time to improve the efficiency of the system ... that's why I am only dreaming... see ya in a decade or two ?:-)
