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lunatic of the present tense

7 comments on lunatic of the present tense

hahah, ok, now it's a mission. we need to kidnap those guys and stash em in their studio till the album is ready.

i follow him/them/whatever on twitter - on the 12th of october, he said 'very soon' in response to a question about new music. you can see how much i intend to hold him to this. crossing off days on my calendar.

I felt like returning to one of yours too, and HA! I totally forgot about this conversation - all is forgiven Mr Swords! Another 3 years and it still would have been worth the wait IMO.

did you use that shackleton track in one of your new mixes? I have to say, that cd for organs is pretty amazeballs. and what doesn't sound good preceded by Grimes, really?

thanks so much for stopping by! hopefully I'll have a new mix up by saturday, but no promises...

yep yep, i used it on my knives iii mix a few months back. and you're right, on both counts there ^
look forward to your new sounds, as always :)
