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Hey, I Remember That Song...


Just like a certain smell can take you back to a familiar place...The Music of my Youth does that for me. I hear a song and I'm there; Home, Summer times in NY. A happy time, The coming of age era. Enjoy these Twenty-Five tracks, I think you'll remember a few of them...

25 tracks
11 comments on Hey, I Remember That Song... (View all)

hey DJ I remember sitting in front of the console listening and reading liner notes. we really had the best musical era of any time frame. A. special memory was when I bought Minnie Rippertons perfect angel. I thought God had unleashed my personal angel. D J keep up the good work... PS my dad died last year. his fav Dioone Warwick---- playing. now thanks for the daily memories. Keith

Yeah, The 60's and 70's were the best, I guess cause back than Folks wasn't afraid to pour their heart an soul out. Now, it's just so much Studio magic and bragging, or telling someone off... Anyway, you're welcome and glad I could help bring up some good memories. I had my Father (who has passed on) in mind....This is still my go-to Mix for happy feelings...

You're welcomed, I'm glad I can bring a smile and warmth to your heart so early in the morning, sounds like the beginning of a Great Day for you ...Enjoy It!... And Thank You!
