22 comments on Classical Dubstep Revisited by DocEllis

I listen to all your dubstep mixes. I love them all and keep coming back, but this has to be one of my favorites. Much better then the first classic mix. not that that was was bad! this just freakin' rox!

thanks man, i really do like this one a lot, i'm glad you like it, i wasn't sure how it would do since it doesn't start out with a banger like Mozart 3000 like in the the first one, but i thought the intro worked nicely and i decided to keep it even though i know it will cost me some "likes"...

Only because people don't have patience enough to listen to an entire mix. That's like watching the first minute of a movie and deciding whether or not it''s going to be a great movie. A lot of great movies would have gone unnoticed.
