470 comments on Classical Dubstep... by DocEllis

Meh, honestly that first track I posted is a little tame too... the other two I love though... they just don't sit still :P

yeah i went for chiller shit on this one i guess...i have another mix like this one http://8tracks.com/docellis/classical-dubstep-revisited it might be a little more interesting for you. I liked that this one was tame and more like "old school" dubstep than "bro-step", it's good for studying and what have you.

Seems like a lot of these tracks are seriously lacking either creativity and originality or excitement, not nearly enough change ups... Rather banal and vapid. Maybe your tastes are tamer than mine, but try these on for size...
http://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_detailpage&v=vnqC1NTXvD4#t=35s <--(gets real serious around 1:25 :P)

i'm glad! there's a lot of good classical music out there definitely try to support it as much as you can because it's sort of dying out slowly, being a classical musician is not an easy way to make a living...

just fyi, big drops are a relatively new aspect of Dubstep, they were nearly non-existent in the beginning and the style of most of these songs (all different artists btw, it seems like you think they were all produced together as one by the same person) is more "classic" dubstep than the "bro-step" style you're accustomed to. as for the bass problem, i'd say get some new speakers.

At work with headphones and I cannot make my butt sit still in my seat. Anyone watching me is having a laugh. This made my day.

Maybe not the best use of time while listening to this mix, but I read through all of your comments. Love the track. Stumble brought me here, and I can say that I'm glad for it. I found great joy in your commenting, so classy--even when you're kicking butts of the ignorant. Thanks.

You're welcome! Of course it was a good use of time! Thanks though, glad you enjoyed the read and the music and thanks for using the word, "classy", I don't get that one a lot, haha.

Read it right after i posted, didnt bother to comment again because I didn't think it was important enough to do, unlike you.

Why not rename the track?

i get an email every time i get a comment, i read every comment and respond to the ones i feel need a response, like yours...

i can't rename the track because i didn't write the song and it's not mine to rename. you'll have to talk to either Kromestar or Cotti about that.
