470 comments on Classical Dubstep... by DocEllis

I'm sorry I offended you by showing you my playlists. Regardless of whether or not I have as many likes/plays as you, I have some good songs here too. I had a certain professionalism in mind as far as my expectations of your response, but nevertheless, I won't hold it against you. All I wanted was to do was diversify the communities selection of classical dubstep.

yea, it was kind of a dick response, my bad...by "judge the numbers", i meant that i think it's catching on quite well, but i'm not trying to act like hot shit or anything because i have a lot of plays or whatever, i'm not that cocky...if i was offended, i'd have just deleted your comments...sorry for the bad first impression, by all means spread the love, clicking that little heart there doesn't hurt either ;)

I'm loving this. This is the first 8track list I've listened to. Every time stumbleupon brings me here, I end up rolling my eyes at the songs and moving on. But this is great! I don't even know anything about the music, I just love it.

good thought but i must amdit the mixes are weak there really isnt any filthy dubstep in it make stronger drops and i think it would be sick

Dubstep ≠ Filth

check my other mixes for dirtier stuff, but dubstep is really just about the bpms and drum pattern, filth and huge drops are relatively new thing...
