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a queen's prize awaits


to celebrate the release of a new gbv album in 2012, i've compiled this mix including covers, side-projects and close associates. 18 tracks including music by guided by voices, robert pollard, and tobin sprout.

18 tracks
1 comment on a queen's prize awaits

Bravo, sir. Fantastic selections. You could probably do 800 other 18 track mixes without ever repeating a track.

I saw Bobby for the first time during the '01 Isolation Drills tour w/ Spoon opening. Fantastic show. It was Bob's son Jim's birthday and the entire band annihilated a massive handle of Jack during their 2+ hour set in celebration.

ha thanks! it was interesting having to work with the 2 song per band/album limit, probably made things even more varied!

that's awesome! i saw them around the same time with big star, one of the best shows i've seen. i know it's blasphemy to say this but isolation drills might be my favorite gbv album (ok and alien lanes...and propeller haha).
