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i'm drawing a bloodbath, with or without you.


You've prepared for this moment for weeks and weeks. You can't see the death of the world, but you can witness your own death, and you will. You'll disappear into a pile of bone and ash, a parting gift for the detective who can solve any crime - any crime but this one.

You think about A again, wondering what his last thoughts were as he tied a noose from the sheets of his own bed. You think about your mother's voice, and you think about the things you've read in the course of your funeral pyre preparations.

Your hand shakes as you strike the match and drop it to the gasoline puddle at your feet. Then you take your last breath and hold it, and wait for the flames to rise up and consume you whole.

(art: moni158.deviantart.com)

13 tracks
1 comment on i'm drawing a bloodbath, with or without you.

tracklist: neverending white lights f/bed of stars, falling apart; sneaker pimps, lightning field; mother mother, aspiring fires; franz ferdinand, evil eye; the hoosiers, killer; health, stonefist; neko case, red tide; unkle f/richard ashcroft, lonely soul; blue foundation, eyes on fire; nine inch nails, everyday is exactly the same; chvrches, gun; the paper chase, i'm going to heaven (the forest fire); metric, blindness.
