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eff you

3 comments on eff you

FINALLY - someone who uploads some ROCK into the indie rock list. My god, every other playlist has been some horrid mix of Mumford and Belle/Sebastian passing off as rock. I missed the "NO BALLS" memo that indie rock-land seems to have swallowed.

1. PJ Harvey Who The Fuck?
2. Björk 5 Years
3. Juicy Fuck You I'm Cool
4. Yeah Yeah Yeahs Bang
5. Lisa Germano If I Think Of Love
6. Bikini Kill Star Bellied Boy
7. Mary Timony Blood Tree
8. L7 Shitlist
9. TLC Switch
10. Bratmobile Gimme Brains
11. Ween You Fucked Up
12. Sleater-Kinney How to Play Dead
