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"Two thousand years later, and I still have the same dream. I am every bit the fool as well. And so, boy... a pact with a fellow idiot seems ideal."

i just want them to be happy ;~;

(Cover from F/0 Fanbook @ Emilio)

16 tracks
3 comments on A Fellow Idiot

@CamiChii Aaaa Im glad you enjoyed it!! (´。• ω •。`) I really love these two so it means a lot, thank you for your kind words!

@eromoe I feel you...I just finished Fate/Zero, and they stole the show for me...along with my heart. T_T I'd like to make a playlist for them too, you've inspired me!~ So long as I credit to your playlist, is it okay if I include the ocean song? It's too perfect. ;w;

@eromoe Thank you so much! x'3 It's up on my page, called "Equals". x33 (each time I post the link it disappears. LOL). I hope you enjoy it! x3
