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Keep Calm...


This mix is heavy laden with burly men making music for lumberjacks and other men of hairy origin. If this doesn't grow some hair on your face, by god son, I sure hope it puts some on your balls. Over 4 hours of heavy tunes to throw your face into hair growing frenzy.

42 tracks
14 comments on Keep Calm... (View all)

the beard and hairy sacks comments are quite entertaining ;) livingspeedbumb, I'm glad I came across your playlists -- you craft some great ones, I appreciate that. There's a great variety which most people can't cover. And of course, as a fellow bearded man (with hairy balls of course), heavy shit like this always picks me up and keeps me going.

this is getting me through some brutal amount of work \m/ !! head banging now and then really helps clear my head ha ha !

This mix made me grow big, hairy balls and a luscious beard.

When my partner discovered this, he left me, disgusted. He took the house and our cat. Now I am homeless, loveless, catless, bearded and have massive balls dangling by my ankles.

Worth it.
