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A Music Box Filled With Determination


* (The serene sound of a distant music box…)
* (It fills you with determination.)

An Undertale fanmix containing music box covers of the songs that fill you with determination.

If you liked this mix, then here are other music box famixes that I've done!
Even Gods Need to Rest (http://8tracks.com/fallenumbrella/even-gods-need-to-rest)
PK Music Box Ω (http://8tracks.com/fallenumbrella/pk-music-box)

(UPDATE 6/16/16: Here's a download for the original version of this playlist: https://www.dropbox.com/l/scl/bD7mEDE4br0o1uNsIm9PKs)


Cover art (http://tmblr.co/Z-Z96l1wW0hd4) by ditzledoodle (http://ditzledoodle.tumblr.com/)
You can view audio posts of some of the tracks I made on my tumblr: http://fallen-umbrella.tumblr.com/tagged/musicboxtale

12 tracks
16 comments on A Music Box Filled With Determination (View all)

I love the quotes you've included with each track (and the tracks themselves, of course). Listening to this makes me feel like I'm doing a run-through of the game.

@atoile Aaaaaahhh thank you so much for noticing! :DD I think I got a little carried away with the quotes but overall I had fun with them. And yes, I did intend to make this mix feel like you're playing the game again, but this time everything is music box.

Hnngg.. The music box combined with the picture of the kids with the statue... Clenches my heart.. ;w; So bootiful.

@ToshiNeku Thank you so much! I really like what ditzledoodle did for the cover art because it reminds me of My Neighbor Totoro, so that's why I chose it for this mix :)
