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so here's to you, mrs. robinson, people love you more, oh, never mind, oh, never mind
in fucking fact, mrs. robinson, the world won't care whether you live or die, you live or die
in fucking fact, mrs. robinson, they probably hate to see your stupid face, your stupid face
so here's to you, mrs. robinson, you live in an unforgiving place

for one fragment of lily, the martyr, who felt all suffering and wanted it all to stop.

if you have ANYTHING that would make you unable or unwilling to listen to a fanmix, especially those that would normally necessitate a trigger warning, listen to this playlist with caution, because most songs deal with at least one heavy topic. most severe warnings for depression/suicide/suicidal ideation, self-hatred, and abuse, especially on tracks 1 and 7.

20 tracks
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