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steve and nat's super awesome road trip mixtape


"Why can't I pick the radio station?"
"Because you pick old man music."
"It's /jazz/."
"It's /boring./"
"I like it!"
"Next time I'm making a mixtape for the road."
"What's a--"
"Never mind."

Tracklisting at http://favoringthebrave.tumblr.com/post/90890663341/steve-and-nats-super-awesome-road-trip-mixtape

14 tracks
9 comments on steve and nat's super awesome road trip mixtape (View all)

I don't think I've ever left a comment on a mix before, but this mix is amazing. Every new track makes me so happy and it's perfect for spring/summer! This and your other Hawkeye mix are both wonderful!

I can't stop myself from imagining Steve's reaction to these songs. At first he'd listen simply to indulge Natasha and then at one point he would realize that not only are these songs very nice to listen to, but that there's a general theme revolving around team work, friendship and vows of trust and honesty. And he'd look over at Natasha's dead pan face and see a sparkle in her eye that tells him she means every lyric that is coming from the speakers and he would be so proud of how far they have come together. And he'd keep on driving with a smile on his face and a warm feeling in his chest. and i'm not tearing up nah.

I liked this mix basically from the first song and loved it by the fourth. And then THRIVING IVORY oh my god. Thriving Ivory. Oh my god. Oh my god. I owe you my firstborn. Oh my god.
THRIVING IVORY aside, this mix is just really good and really enjoyable and fun to listen to. And if I ever take a roadtrip I'll definitely have this playing.
(also, there was something in every song that rang true for steve&nat and that was also just really great)
